Enrolment ends 1st of May at 23:59pm UK time.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
 Make sure to have your sound turned ON!
Join my Listening Challenge and confidently participate in conversations!
Important! Enrolment ends 1st of May 
at 23:59pm UK time.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
 Make sure to have your sound turned ON!
Join my Listening Challenge and confidently participate in conversations!
 Make sure to have your sound turned ON!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Important! Enrolment ends 1st of May 
at 23:59pm UK time.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

English With Lucy Has Been Featured In:

Does this sound like you?

Does this sound like you?

"I can understand English on paper, but I find it hard to understand spoken English."

Have you had this experience in an English exam?

Have you had this experience in an English exam?

Pretty easy!
Not too bad!

Yes, listening is hard!

And it's especially hard in the real world when native speakers speak fast!
‘What are they saying?’
‘This didn’t come up in the exam!’
‘Are they speaking English or another language?!’
Let me reassure you this is totally normal.
I created a method that took me from failing at listening in foreign languages to understanding nearly every word!
Do you want to dramatically improve your listening too?
Let me introduce you to…

The 30-Day Listening Challenge

  • Listen to real conversations every day for 30 days.
  • Practise and improve with effective daily exercises.
  • Expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation

The 30-Day Listening Challenge

  • Listen to real conversations every day for 30 days.
  • Practice and improve with effective daily exercises.
  • Expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation

Who am I?

My name is Lucy Bella Simkins and I am your British English teacher! 
I am passionate about teaching my students to speak correct, fluent English.
Millions of students enjoy my YouTube and Instagram lessons every month, and thousands have benefitted from my in-depth online programmes.

I train my students to sound natural, yet highly accurate. I will train you to use and understand hundreds of slang words and phrases so that you no longer fear speaking and writing in English.

I know what it is like to learn a foreign language.

It can be really hard!

But if you do it the right way, it can also be lots of fun!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Important! Enrolment ends 1st of May 
at 23:59pm UK time.

My Challenge Framework

My Challenge Framework

Why do over 29,000 students LOVE my Challenges??

These are the 3 core principles of my Challenges:

Why do over 29,000 students LOVE my Challenges??

These are the 3 core principles of my Challenges:

Visual Lessons

Memorise for life!

Teacher Support

Never lose focus! Clear, engaging
video lessons are my speciality!
You also get PDF Mind Maps to
supercharge your understanding.
Have you ever learnt something
new and forgotten it the next
week? Not in my Challenges! We constantly test you on what
you’ve learnt in previous days!
With every Challenge, you get
access to our community for
teacher support. Ask questions,
clarify doubts and connect with
your peers!

Visual Lessons

Never lose focus! Clear, engaging video lessons are my speciality! You also get PDF Mind Maps to supercharge your understanding.

Memorise for life!

Have you ever learnt something new and forgotten it the next week? Not in my Challenges! We constantly test you on what you’ve learnt in previous days!

Teacher Support

With every Challenge, you get access to our community for teacher support. Ask questions, clarify doubts and connect with your peers!

See what my students said about my last Listening Challenge!

Robert | Poland

It was my first challenge with Lucy and I think that the whole course is very well done and a lot of exercises are prepared that allows you to remember the collected material. I am very happy with this course. I highly recommend it to everyone and I'm sure that it will not be my last course with Lucy. Thank you Lucy and all those who taught us in this Challenge.

Jane | Hong Kong

I am doing my eighth challenge in August, I cannot believe that I have learnt so many different levels of vocabulary as well as listening skills in the past seven months. I am looking forward to taking more challenges from English with Lucy!

Erika | Hungary 

Lucy's challenge was amazing! I improved my vocabulary and listening skills. She's got a great sense of humour and is polite. I really recommend this challenge!

Michael | Germany

The Challenge was a great way to expand my vocabulary in a short period of time. Every day it's just a little bit and at the end it's a huge amount you've learned.

Farah | Malaysia 

Lucy's challenge was fun and engaging. The exercises provided were amazing and challenging. They help you in improving your listening skills and pronunciation!

Tsz Hin | Hong Kong 

Lucy's Challenge has inspired me a lot. Her pronuncation and articulation in English was perfect, I love listening to her voice!
Is this Challenge for me?
This challenge is for you if you have a B1+ level of English. You must be at least lower intermediate. 

Not sure about your level? If you understand nearly everything I say in my videos with subtitles, you're ready for this Challenge!

What is in the course?

What is in the course?

You might recognise the voices in the conversations...
I interviewed 3 of my favourite YouTube creators about their perspectives on British culture. Each day you will listen to a 60-90 second conversation clip. These are real, interesting conversations with native speakers!
You might recognise the voices in the conversations...
I interviewed 3 of my favourite YouTube creators about their perspectives on British culture. Each day you will listen to a 60-90 second conversation clip. These are real, interesting conversations with native speakers!
Charlie Baxter
The British English Podcast & Real English with Real Teachers
Charlie is a British teacher who lived in Sydney, Australia. He shares his perspective on the difference between British and Australian culture and 
Joel Wood & Lia Hatzakis
(Formerly: Those Two Brits)
Joel & Lia are British YouTubers that love travelling to the US and discovering American culture! We have a great chat about the UK vs the USA, and Lia teaches us about tea!
Jess Dante
Love & London Youtube Channel
Jess is from New York but lives in London. She creates videos about how to see the real London! Jess tells me about her culture shock, and what it was like moving to the UK!
Listening is the one of the hardest skill to master, but I have an amazing opportunity for you!

This 6-step system will help you to understand every word!

In my view, there are 6 exercises that really work, and all of them feature in this challenge!
Transcription exercises are seriously effective. Play a sentence and write what you hear. Then, read the sentence and compare your result. Over time, this trains your brain to start working in a more analytical way.
✅ Each day in this challenge, you have 3 transcription exercises! 
My pet hate (something I hate most) is when textbooks give scripted conversations. They aren't authentic, and they won't help you in the real world! If you want to improve your listening skills, you have to listen to real conversations.
✅ Each day in this challenge, you have a real, 60-90-second conversation clip!
Study notes are essential for retaining new information! They also take ages to make… so we’ve done the work for you!
✅ Each day we give you a downloadable PDF with the full clip transcript and vocabulary list!
It seems broad, but if you don't know a word when it's written down, how on earth are you going to understand it when you hear it in a fast-paced conversation? If you want to improve your listening skills, you have to check where you are lacking in vocabulary and try to fill in the gaps!
✅ Each day in this challenge, I teach you relevant vocabulary!
✅ 10 daily vocabulary exercises - I test you on vocab from previous days!
Conversational English is hugely different to written English. To understand it, you need to focus on the language and pronunciation used. You need to know about topics like:
  • connected speech
  • the glottal stop
  • thinking noises like 'ummm' and 'eeeerrrrr'
  • interjections
  • noises of agreement/disagreement like 'nhm' and 'mm mm'
  • dropped syllables
✅ Each day in this challenge, there is a 'Language & Pronunciation Focus' lesson!
What if you have a question or a doubt? What if you want to write some sentences using the new words you've learnt?
​✅ Every day you can participate in the comments section and receive answers to your questions from me and my teachers.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Important! Enrolment ends 1st of May 
at 23:59pm UK time.

How does it work?

Each day consists of:

  • Lucy's audio clips and written lessons - These will help you to improve your listening, vocabulary and pronunciation skills!
  • Interactive listening activities - Improve your understanding!
  • Interactive vocabulary activities - These help you to learn the information in a fun and enjoyable way!
  • Exercises testing you on what you learnt in previous days - These will boost your memory skills and help you retain what you’ve learnt for life!
  • Extra Language Focus - topics to dive into the history of the areas taught throughout!
  • A daily prompt to practise in the teacher-supported challenge community - You will have access to our qualified teachers to clarify doubts and questions!

How does it work?

Each day consists of:

  • Lucy's audio clips and written lessons - These will help you to improve your listening, vocabulary and pronunciation skills!
  • Interactive listening activities - Improve your understanding!
  • Interactive vocabulary activities - These help you to learn the information in a fun and enjoyable way!
  • Exercises testing you on what you learnt in previous days - These will boost your memory skills and help you retain what you’ve learnt for life!
  • Extra Language Focus - topics to dive into the history of the areas taught throughout!
  • A daily prompt to practise in the teacher-supported challenge community - You will have access to our qualified teachers to clarify doubts and questions!

Here's everything you're going to get with

The Listening Challenge:

  • 30 REAL conversation audios (VALUE: $60)
  • 600 multiple-choice exercises on 300+ new vocab words (VALUE: $99)
  • 90 transcription exercises (VALUE: $90)
  • 30 gap-fill exercises (VALUE: $30)
  • 30 PDF Downloads (VALUE: $30)
  • 60 language / pronunciation focuses & extra reading lessons (VALUE: $120)
  • Daily teacher contact and feedback (VALUE: $50)
  • Digital Certificate of Completion (VALUE: Priceless)
  • Lifetime Access (VALUE: Priceless)
Total Value: $479
Join Today For $99 $79
Important! Enrolment ends 1st of May 
at 23:59pm UK time.

Look at what my students have to say about my courses:

Zsuzsanna | Hungary

I like how Lucy teaches us. She is funny, dedicated and i'm excited about the new lessons every day! I hope that she will continue with a new challenge soon.

Paolo | Italy 

The challenge has been extremely useful. I'm an English teacher and I wanted to perfect my skills. I absolutely recommend Lucy's course.

Emma | Czech Republic

Lucy's tenses challenge was helpful,understandable and fun. I enjoyed learning. Thanks to Lucy and her team, I learned a lot.I greatly appreciated the exercises and feedback. Definitely the best course I can recommend!

Marcos  | Brazil

Lucy's course was so entertaining and absolutely one of my favorites so far. I was blown away about the lessons, how it can really teach you so much and all you learn sticks in your head forever, the exercises, quiz and, extra focus language were the best part for me especially because it brought me a huge amount of new vocabulary. With no shadow of doubt I highly and extremely recommend this to everyone! 

Otabek | Uzbekistan 

Lucy's Tenses Chellange was so interesting and clear for me. Especially her pronouncation which is very understandable. I liked that her explanations were clear and not boring. She provided many practice exercises and those helped me to reinforce acquired knowledge. I wish her to create new interesting chellanges in the future. I recommend this Challange!

100% Risk Free

100% Risk Free

My relationship with my students is built on trust. I offer a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee on all courses. If you complete under 20% and don't like it, I will give you a refund. I want to help you, and I want you to be happy!


Important! Enrolment ends 1st of May 
at 23:59pm UK time.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

© 2024 Copyright: English With Lucy